Abstract :
Institutional reforms introduced after the collapse of the new order regime have brought state-society relations in Indonesia under increased scrutiny. This paper uses an evaluation of law 25/2009 on public services as a means to assess whether the new political setting has increased the leverage of the citizenry over the state. Adopted in July 2009, the law introduced a range of regulations for public service providers. It also expanded the responsibilities of the ombudsman’s office and called for the establishment of citizen committees to monitor public service delivery. However, the legal quality of the law is poor and the broader institutional and political environment is not conducive to its enforcement. Overall, the law aims beyond the capacity of the current political and legal system. Ironically, in order for society to gain greater leverage in politics, state capacity must increase as well.
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2011Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)Unduh MARCSitasi
Abstract :
Some countries produce more multinational enterprises (MNEs) than others, India and China, in particular, have produced a number of dynamic MNEs whose success abroad generates important economic benefits for the home economy. Motivated by this observation, we describe the internationalization record of Indonesia’s major business groups. Using an archival analysis method, we find that, with a few exceptions, Indonesia’s largest business grouping focus predominantly upon the domestic market. We advance two explanations for this investment pattern. The first suggest that the apparent absence of Indonesian MNEs is an accounting error, because firms outward investment is under-reported in official statistics. The second suggests that Indonesians outward foreign direct investment is impeded by a combination of institutional and firm level factors that arrest the internationalization of all but the largest firms. We discuss the policy implications of these findings and reflect on
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2011Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)Unduh MARCSitasi