Abstrak :
One of the activities that company should do to maintain its sustainability nowadays is concern about society and environment by doing corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities. By doing CSR, company has shown their responsibility to all stakeholders aligned with the willingness to create sustainability development. Company could use varied tools to asses their CSR activities in order to evaluate their CSR implementation. This research is aimed to analyze cost and benefit of one CSR program of PT.ISM Tbk. Bogasari Flour Millls, by using Socio-Economic impact.
Abstract :
Institutional reforms introduced after the collapse of the new order regime have brought state-society relations in Indonesia under increased scrutiny. This paper uses an evaluation of law 25/2009 on public services as a means to assess whether the new political setting has increased the leverage of the citizenry over the state. Adopted in July 2009, the law introduced a range of regulations for public service providers. It also expanded the responsibilities of the ombudsman’s office and called for the establishment of citizen committees to monitor public service delivery. However, the legal quality of the law is poor and the broader institutional and political environment is not conducive to its enforcement. Overall, the law aims beyond the capacity of the current political and legal system. Ironically, in order for society to gain greater leverage in politics, state capacity must increase as well.
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2011Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)Unduh MARCSitasi
Abstrak :
Study of naphtol AS-LB reduction with soga tea technically was reported before. Napthol AS-LB could be reduced until 35 percent with aanzet-nazet pathway. Now, study of production cost of naphtol AS-LB reduction already has done. The most factor to has influence of production cost was identified only chemical needs. The salary, electrical cost etc. were not calculated because no have different. The chemical needs biside naphtol AS-LB like as sodium hydroxide was reduce until 85,5 percent, spirits 40 percent, salt 85,5 percent, water 85,5 percent, and diazonium salt arise until 28 percent. The production cost could be reduce until Rp. 1.741/kg of fabric in small scale or Rp. 435.250.000/ year in national scale.
Abstract :
This paper in presenting the methodology on the green gas (GHG) mitigation activities, in the energy sector, which embracing 3 sub-sectors simultaneously: 1. fuel switching 2. renewable energy and 3. waste-disposal and handling. After the COP – 13 – “Bali Road Map”, in December 2007, REDD (Reducing Emission Deforestation and Degradation), which also important for the tropical country. This methodology is become possible to be adopted, since the Kyoto Protocol (Article 12), provided the new investment scheme from industrial countries (Annex 1) into the developing countries (Non-Annex 1) namely Clean Development Mechanism(CDM). The protocol just entered into forces in February 2005 and ratified by the Indonesian government in October 2004
This new investment scheme plus the high world oil price, which effects the domestic industrial fuel price, have encouraged the industries to deploy fuel – switching, which is more popular, namely as fuel conversion in the country. Now,
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peranan usaha TKI Purna (Tenaga Kerja Indonesia yang sudah kembali ke tanah air) terhadap perluasan kesempatan kerja dan pemberdayaan ekonomi rakyat, serta menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pendapatan usaha TKI Purna. Penelitian dilakukan di provinsi Sumatera Utara. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dan analisis regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian TKI Purna berperan terhadap perluasan kesempatan kerja. Dengan asumsi setiap TKI yang ditempatkan membuka usaha, tingkat pengangguran di Sumatera Utara tahun 2008 berkurang sebesar 20,53% usaha TKI Purna berperan terhadap pemberdayaan ekonomi rakyat di bidang jasa, industri, perdagangan, dan pertanian/peternakan serta berperan dalam pengembangan ekonomi lokal (lokal economic development/LED) ; usaha TKI Purna menciptakan pendapatan baik untuk pengusaha maupun pekerja dan sektor-sektor lain yang mendukungnya. Selain itu, dana remitansi yang di
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2010Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat-UIUnduh MARCSitasi