Abstract :
Widjojo Nitisastro is one of Indonesia’s best known economic policy makers. Much has been written by others about his role as a top adviser over more than three decades. This collection of his own essays helps fill out the picture. Seven main policy themes may be identified : the role of economic growth in helping overcome mass poverty, the need for economic policy makers to pay close attention to risk management and be constantly ready to respond to economic shocks, the important of strong leadership and discipline in government, the need to scrutinize investment programs closely, the high priority to be given to borrowing programs and debt management, the role of the price mechanism, and the management of Indonesia’s relations with the international community. Strong messages about growth, leadership and stability permeate the essays. The collection is a valuable contribution to the literature on economic policy making in developing countries.
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2011Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)Unduh MARCSitasi
Abstract :
This paper in presenting the methodology on the green gas (GHG) mitigation activities, in the energy sector, which embracing 3 sub-sectors simultaneously: 1. fuel switching 2. renewable energy and 3. waste-disposal and handling. After the COP – 13 – “Bali Road Map”, in December 2007, REDD (Reducing Emission Deforestation and Degradation), which also important for the tropical country. This methodology is become possible to be adopted, since the Kyoto Protocol (Article 12), provided the new investment scheme from industrial countries (Annex 1) into the developing countries (Non-Annex 1) namely Clean Development Mechanism(CDM). The protocol just entered into forces in February 2005 and ratified by the Indonesian government in October 2004
This new investment scheme plus the high world oil price, which effects the domestic industrial fuel price, have encouraged the industries to deploy fuel – switching, which is more popular, namely as fuel conversion in the country. Now,